Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Healing Will Come

 This morning I woke up with a smile on my face, which has been happening every day for months now.  The reason for today’s smile was that I would be going to women’s Bible study at our Church.  It has been a long time.  Maybe a year.

I have been isolated the past number of years, since before Covid really.  Not because of Covid, but due to health issues I have been facing.  Of course God always brings me to a place where I can move forward out of His grace and mercy.  He has designed us for incredible things after all.

When I am downcast He brings light and love.  When I am hurting physically He brings healing.  When I am weak, well, He brings His strength to my weary bones. 

God is absolutely FOR us and gives us every spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms to live our lives with victory. (Ephesians 1:3-6)

Jesus said this,’ I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.’ (John 10:10)

It might seem impossible, the struggles you are facing are weighing you down.  You may not have seen sunshine in your life for awhile now. 

 I’m here to tell you this… I’ve been there.  Yes, right there on the floor, bent over, soaked in tears.  Feeling as though I was surrounded by darkness, anxious and alone.

First thing I did was cry.  Every day for a very long time.

Then I simply told God what I was facing and cried out to Him.

And do you know what God did?

He gave me a plan.

Yes, a clear and precise plan of attack!

I was too broken to be able to argue with Him.

So I listened and somehow managed to follow what He asked me to do, many days on autopilot.

And I want to share that plan with you.

God clearly told me to do the following:

1.  Keep a radio on, tuned into a praise station, for every moment I was awake.

2.  Read His Word ALL THE TIME.  If my eyes were open, I was to read it.

3.  Journal the things God would make me aware of.  First this was just writing in a journal, then God gave me images, then color and before I knew it I was art journaling.

And I was supposed to do this every day.   

Sounds simple enough right?  Well let me tell you something… it was the most difficult thing that I have ever forced myself to do.  However, I clearly knew the LORD told me to do it His way, so I did it.

I could barely focus, but He continually told me to read His word even if I couldn’t keep my eyes open for very long.  Even if the words all jumbled together.  He assured me His plan would succeed.  

God was planting His Word into my very core.  My mind, body and soul were taking in every letter of every word and God was translating it to my heart as I read.  I didn’t need to be completely coherent of everything I was reading… there was a spiritual awareness going on behind everything He told me to do. 

I was being wrapped in by His truth. Completely immersed. 

It did not happen right away for me… but I eventually arrived at that day of FREEDOM.  

I know that God is faithful.  HE loves us so deeply He will never allow us to be consumed by the darkness we feel.  He has good and perfect plans for each one of us, Jeremiah 29:11.

May you find this freedom too my friend.  

With much love


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