Friday, September 13, 2024

Hello Again

 September 12, 2024

It has been a long time since I have written in this space.  Many things have happened in my life that has complicated my writing.  However, God has worked through them all victoriously.

This morning I have surrendered completely into Gods loving hands.  He has placed upon my heart to come back and begin writing again.

Oh we serve a glorious God.  One who loves us, sustains us, provides everything we need and guides us… He is our Shepherd and He cares for us beyond what we humans can understand.  After all, He is the one who spoke us into being and breathed the breath of life into our nostrils that we might live in His glorious creation.

I thank Him for this gift of life and I intend to use this gift completely, to be FULLY ALIVE IN HIM.

First step in doing this was the beautiful SURRENDER… now let the work of God come alive in me.

Thank you for reading dear friends.

With much love to you and grace from OUR LORD.

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